Marty for Mayor™

The message of “Marty for Mayor” is to first bring attention to voters that voting is very important and that voters should always turn out on Election Day and to second spark the interest of children and young adults to participate in a free democracy through their future voting efforts. A children’s book is in the works to document “Marty” and her adventures into politics.

Monday, January 08, 2007

"Marty for Mayor" Found Easier on the Web!

"Marty for Mayor" has recently registered the domain Although "Marty for Mayor" is easily found by conducting an Internet search, now you just have to pop in to come directly to the OFFICIAL website.

Happy New Year for 2007!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Farragut 2006 Year-in-Review Highlights "Marty for Mayor" Campaign

From the Farragut Press 1/4/07 edition:

• Aug. 3: A new “darkhorse” candidate for mayor emerged on Election Day, Thursday, Aug. 3. Signs around Farragut advocated Marty for Mayor, a Farragut golden retriever who “spoke” with farragutpress.