Marty for Mayor™

The message of “Marty for Mayor” is to first bring attention to voters that voting is very important and that voters should always turn out on Election Day and to second spark the interest of children and young adults to participate in a free democracy through their future voting efforts. A children’s book is in the works to document “Marty” and her adventures into politics.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Vets and Animals Support "Marty for Mayor"!

"Marty for Mayor" appreciates all the support by Vets and Animals everywhere! Please contact the campaign staff of "Marty for Mayor" if you or your organization is interested is displaying a poster or other "Marty for Mayor" campaign items. Please contact the campaign at

"Marty for Mayor" Autographed Poster

"Marty for Mayor" and Campaign Staffer
Waiting to Meet with Supporters
(Note Autographed Poster by Plant)