Marty for Mayor™

The message of “Marty for Mayor” is to first bring attention to voters that voting is very important and that voters should always turn out on Election Day and to second spark the interest of children and young adults to participate in a free democracy through their future voting efforts. A children’s book is in the works to document “Marty” and her adventures into politics.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

"Marty for Mayor" Fan Club

"Marty for Mayor" appreciates all the support and correspondence. "Marty for Mayor" has heard all the requests for an OFFICIAL "Marty for Mayor" Fan Club and will now plan to develop one soon in the near future.

"Marty for Mayor" thanks her new friends in Romania, New Zealand, Australia, South Korea, Japan, England, etc. Please keep checking the OFFICIAL "Marty for Mayor" website for future updates.

Feel free to contact "Marty" at

"Marty for Mayor" Celebrating a Good Campaign

"Marty for Mayor" Receives Votes!

Reports are coming in throughout area, Tennessee, and the US of "Marty" actually receiving votes in local elections. This is quite interesting for the fact that there must be dissatisfied Americans who want change in their local leadership or wanting to make a statement.

Even Greg McKay of Knox County Election Commission stated that several voters wrote in "Marty" or "Marty for Mayor" in the recent election held on August 3rd. Although there was not opposition to Mayor Mike Ragsdale in the Knox County General Election, some voters apparently wrote in "Marty" and/or "Marty for Mayor".

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

"Marty for Mayor" Signs Are Everywhere

Apparently, the "Marty for Mayor" Campaign Is Still Growing.
"Marty for Mayor" Political Signs Have Been Reportedly Seen In Alabama, Georgia, Arkansas, Tennessee, Texas, Washington-DC, Florida, California, and as far as Romania and Australia.

"Marty for Mayor" Sign in Tennessee

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

"Marty for Mayor" Thanks Local Media for Their Support!

"Marty", "Major", Bill, and Margaret would like to thank all the support for the "Marty for Mayor" campaign of getting out the vote and inspiring future generations of voters.

Special thanks goes out to Knoxville's WVLT Channel 8 (CBS)'s Stacy McCloud (and Nate, the cameraman) and to Dan Barile of The Farragut Press who came out to interview "Marty" and for bringing attention towards the important matter of voting and children.

The WVLT broadcast of "Marty for Mayor" titled "Local Campaign Goes to the Dogs" has been seen throughout the US on various CBS affiliates and has been circulated around the globe via the Internet.

Link to Transcript and Video:

In addition, The Farragut Press article titled "Mayor's Race Goes to the Dogs" has been well received and circulated outside of the Knoxville region too!

Link to Article:

Please spread the word about "Marty for Mayor" and her campaign of bringing awareness to voters and children everywhere. She is and will always be running for mayor in your community and / or a community near you.

Below are some of the pictures from the "Marty for Mayor" Media Day. Enjoy and again, thank you for your support!

All Smiles Here: Stacy McCloud (WVLT CH 8 CBS)
with Adult Supporters of "Marty for Mayor"

WVLT CH 8 CBS and The Farragut Press
Interviewing "Marty for Mayor"

"Marty for Mayor" and Her Biggest Supporters
Being Filmed by WVLT CH8 CBS

Stacy McCloud (WVLT CH8) Interviewing One of the
Many Adults Supporting "Marty for Mayor"